AFS - American Fleet Services
AFS stands for American Fleet Services
Here you will find, what does AFS stand for in Automotive under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate American Fleet Services? American Fleet Services can be abbreviated as AFS What does AFS stand for? AFS stands for American Fleet Services. What does American Fleet Services mean?The United States based company is located in Independence, Ohio engaged in automotive industry.
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Alternative definitions of AFS
- American Fisheries Society
- Available For Sale
- Andrew File System
- American Field Service
- American Field Service
- Asian Fisheries Society
- Air Force Station
- American Foundry Society
View 265 other definitions of AFS on the main acronym page
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- ANUSRAI ANU Sport and Recreation Association Inc.
- AFC Asian Food Channel
- ATC Axiomatic Technologies Corporation
- AWRD Association for Water and Rural Development
- ATS Advanced Tooling Specialists
- ABY A Better You
- AHR Ahead Human Resources
- ACM Avila College Melbourne
- AIBCL AIB Capital Limited
- AWFF Asian World Film Festival
- AKEMP AKE Music Productions
- ADS Atlanta Dental Spa
- AM Abilities in Motion
- ADDSPL Athena Drug Delivery Solutions Pvt Ltd
- AIF Aims International France
- AGS Alaska General Seafoods